Quantum Software Consortium


  • Video released: This is the Quantum Software Consortium.

    The Quantum Software Consortium is building a new research community in the Netherlands in Quantum Information Science. But what is Quantum Information Science? You perhaps heard of the quantum computer.

    A computer that fundamentally uses different physics laws than a classical computer does. But like a classical computer, also a quantum computer uses software - quantum software !

  • Quantum key distribution: communication through a quantum-encrypted channel.

    Sebastian de Bone (QuTech, TU Delft) and Julius de Hond (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created a website to give students and the general public an idea of how quantum key distribution works, and what it would be like to communicate through a quantum-encrypted channel. As an end user, you don't notice much, of course! 

  • QSC-student Sophie Hermans from QuTech obtains PhD Cum Laude.

    Sophie Hermans successfully defended her PhD thesis "Quantum Networks using Spins in Diamond" at Delft University of Technology on April 14, 2022. Ronald Hanson (QuTech, TU Delft) and Stephanie Wehner (QuTech, TU Delft) acted as promotors. The degree was awarded "cum laude". 

  • Doorbraak: onderdelen quantumcomputer gemaakt in fabriek.

    De belangrijkste bouwstenen van de futuristische quantumcomputer zijn voor het eerst gemaakt in een fabriek voor ‘gewone’ computerchips. Daarmee zet deze toekomstcomputer een belangrijke stap naar de praktijk.

    Uit de Volkskrant door George van Hal, 29 maart 2022, 17:01

  • Internship of QSC Student Aulan Zahoundo

    It was with enthusiasm that I landed in Delft on a day of fine rain on November 1, 2021, thus marking the start of my internship at QuTech/TU Delft. 

  • In Memoriam - Bas Edixhoven

    Op 16 januari 2022 is onze zeer gewaardeerde en geliefde collega prof. dr. Bas Edixhoven (Universiteit Leiden, Mathematisch Instituut) na een korte periode van ernstige ziekte overleden.

  • Stacey Jeffery wins ERC starting grant for quantum algorithms on quantum computers.

    Stacey Jeffery, senior researcher at CWI and QuSoft in Amsterdam, is awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euro for research on Algorithms, Security and Complexity for Quantum Computers (ASC-Q). The grant helps ambitious younger researchers launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their best ideas.

  • Report of an exchange student of AIMS: Crownie Ocha Eme

    After much anticipation, I finally arrived in Amsterdam on September 15, 2021 for my research master project at QuSoft/CWI. My project was very exciting.

  • Harry Buhrman explains some of the principles of quantum software in a new podcast.

    A new podcast was launched starring Harry Buhrman, who explains some of the principles of quantum software and discusses why companies and societal organizations are already getting interested in understanding more about it.

  • QuSoft PhD-student Jordi Weggemans wins Lorentz graduation prize.

    CWI PhD-student Jordi Weggemans has won the Lorentz Graduation Prize for Theoretical Physics 2021 for his master thesis on a new quantum algorithm. The prize is awarded by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW). He was awarded the prize online on Monday 29 November 2021. 

  • Video released: This is the Quantum Software Consortium.

    The Quantum Software Consortium is building a new research community in the Netherlands in Quantum Information Science. But what is Quantum Information Science? You perhaps heard of the quantum computer.

    A computer that fundamentally uses different physics laws than a classical computer does. But like a classical computer, also a quantum computer uses software - quantum software !

  • Quantum key distribution: communication through a quantum-encrypted channel.

    Sebastian de Bone (QuTech, TU Delft) and Julius de Hond (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) created a website to give students and the general public an idea of how quantum key distribution works, and what it would be like to communicate through a quantum-encrypted channel. As an end user, you don't notice much, of course! 

  • QSC-student Sophie Hermans from QuTech obtains PhD Cum Laude.

    Sophie Hermans successfully defended her PhD thesis "Quantum Networks using Spins in Diamond" at Delft University of Technology on April 14, 2022. Ronald Hanson (QuTech, TU Delft) and Stephanie Wehner (QuTech, TU Delft) acted as promotors. The degree was awarded "cum laude". 

  • Doorbraak: onderdelen quantumcomputer gemaakt in fabriek.

    De belangrijkste bouwstenen van de futuristische quantumcomputer zijn voor het eerst gemaakt in een fabriek voor ‘gewone’ computerchips. Daarmee zet deze toekomstcomputer een belangrijke stap naar de praktijk.

    Uit de Volkskrant door George van Hal, 29 maart 2022, 17:01

  • Internship of QSC Student Aulan Zahoundo

    It was with enthusiasm that I landed in Delft on a day of fine rain on November 1, 2021, thus marking the start of my internship at QuTech/TU Delft. 

  • In Memoriam - Bas Edixhoven

    Op 16 januari 2022 is onze zeer gewaardeerde en geliefde collega prof. dr. Bas Edixhoven (Universiteit Leiden, Mathematisch Instituut) na een korte periode van ernstige ziekte overleden.

  • Stacey Jeffery wins ERC starting grant for quantum algorithms on quantum computers.

    Stacey Jeffery, senior researcher at CWI and QuSoft in Amsterdam, is awarded an ERC Starting Grant of 1.5 million euro for research on Algorithms, Security and Complexity for Quantum Computers (ASC-Q). The grant helps ambitious younger researchers launch their own projects, form their teams and pursue their best ideas.

  • Report of an exchange student of AIMS: Crownie Ocha Eme

    After much anticipation, I finally arrived in Amsterdam on September 15, 2021 for my research master project at QuSoft/CWI. My project was very exciting.

  • Harry Buhrman explains some of the principles of quantum software in a new podcast.

    A new podcast was launched starring Harry Buhrman, who explains some of the principles of quantum software and discusses why companies and societal organizations are already getting interested in understanding more about it.

  • QuSoft PhD-student Jordi Weggemans wins Lorentz graduation prize.

    CWI PhD-student Jordi Weggemans has won the Lorentz Graduation Prize for Theoretical Physics 2021 for his master thesis on a new quantum algorithm. The prize is awarded by the Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (KHMW). He was awarded the prize online on Monday 29 November 2021. 

  • QuSoft started the Quantum Quest with 47 participants from all over the world.

    On November 5, QuSofters Koen Groenland, Crownie Oche Ema & Philip Verduyn Lunel started the Quantum Quest with 47 participants from all over the World. Quantum Quest is a web class for high school students, organized by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and QuSoft. This is the third edition.

  • Report of the QSC 6th General Assembly in Leiden by Sebastian Zur.

    On Friday November 5th 2021 the Quantum Software Consortium (QSC) hosted its 6th General Assembly in Leiden. Although some Covid measures were still in effect, it was very revitalizing to meet many QSC colleagues
    for the first time in real life since the pandemic, which was an especially new feeling for the staff members that joined the QSC during the pandemic!

  • Sophie Hermans vertelt over het quantuminternet bij Universiteit van Nederland.

    Zo'n vijftig jaar geleden stonden we aan de vooravond van het internet zoals we dat nu kennen. Niemand had toen gedacht dat we vandaag de dag online videocolleges konden kijken. Inmiddels is het niet meer weg te denken. Maar hoe ziet het internet van de toekomst eruit ?

  • Algoritmes van de overheid worden voor ons openbaar gemaakt.

    Door Joe van BurikHerbert Blankesteijn van bnr.nl.

    Onze gevoeligste informatie is vaak versleuteld, maar is die bescherming ook bestand tegen ultrakrachtige quantumcomputers? En de Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) toont openheid over de algoritmes die deze instantie - en andere - op ons burgers loslaat. Moet dat niet de norm worden ?

  • Report of the 4th QSC Junior Day by Arjan Cornelissen.

    During the 4th QSC Junior Day we had a variety of talks, before lunch first by Tom O'Brien about quantum research performed at Google, then by Ronald Hansen about Quantum Delta NL.

  • Report on the 4th QSC Junior Day by Arjan Cornelissen.

    During the QSC Junior Day we had a variety of talks, before lunch first by Tom O'Brien about quantum research performed at Google, then by Ronald Hansen about Quantum Delta NL.

  • Quantum Rules welcomed the physics class of VASVU: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

    Last year the visitor’s lab Quantum Rules was closed due to COVIDS-19 regulations. In summer there was a short period of relief. On June 22, Leiden University welcomed the physics class (about 15 students) of VASVU:

    Voorbereidend jaar anderstaligen – Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

  • Untappable quantum cryptography becomes practical with MDI-QKD.

    Engineers from QuTech can provide untappable communication that is cost-scaling to many users by using measurement-device independent (MDI) quantum key distribution (QKD). A notable side-feature is that, courtesy of Cisco, conventional internet operates in parallel, on the same optical fibre from Dutch telecom provider KPN. MDI-QKD is an important step towards an accessible quantum internet.

  • Christian Schaffner on BNR Tech Radio: “Quantum Software, a new field that could grow exponentially”.

    Christian Schaffner, researcher at QuSoft, the University of Amsterdam and Chair of the Quantum.Amsterdam management team, is a guest on the podcast De Technoloog (‘the technologist’) of BNR Tech radio to talk about quantum software and its applicable tools for industry and society (Quantum.Amsterdam’s expertise). 

  • Quantum.Amsterdam and Quantum Delta NL celebrate close collaboration together.

    On July 14, the new quantum innovation hub Quantum.Amsterdam, established by the University of Amsterdam (UvA), Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and research center QuSoft, and Quantum Delta NL raised the flag together to celebrate their close collaboration for the coming seven years. Together with research institutes, companies and the municipality, the plan is to boost quantum research and development in the Amsterdam ecosystem.