Quantum Software Consortium


  • More than spins: Exploring uncharted territory in quantum devices.

    Many of today’s quantum devices rely on collections of qubits, also called spins. These quantum bits have only two energy levels, the ‘0’ and the ‘1’. However, spins in real devices also interact with light and vibrations known as bosons, greatly complicating calculations. In a new publication in Physical Review Letters, researchers in Amsterdam demonstrate a way to describe spin-boson systems and use this to efficiently configure quantum devices in a desired state.

    Source: UvA/IoP news by Jans Henke.

  • Inaugural lecture Stacey Jeffery: 'Quantum algorithms are a (random) walk in the park'

    On 17 May, Stacey Jeffery (CWI, QuSoft, UvA) holds her inaugural lecture as a professor by special appointment of Quantum Information at the University of Amsterdam on ‘Quantum algorithms are a (random) walk in the park’.

  • Gravitation grant of 21.5 million for consortium Challenges in Cyber Security.

    Christian Schaffner participates in a consortium that has received a Gravity Grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. It is the research project 'Challenges in Cyber Security', which is led by Tanja Lange of Eindhoven University of Technology and has been rewarded 21.5 million for a 10-year program. TU/e, VU, RU and CWI are the other consortium partners.

  • The quantum computer: it doesn't exist yet, but still we understand increasingly better what problems it can solve.

    How do we know what a quantum computer is good for when it hasn't been built yet? That's what PhD candidate Casper Gyurik investigated by combining two terms you often hear: quantum computing and machine learning.

    ‘I try to improve machine learning techniques using quantum,’ Gyurik summarises his research. 

    Source: Leiden University

  • Want to know more about quantum? These games make it fun.

    Tic tac toe, but with quantum effects. That makes learning the principles of quantum technology a piece of cake. This is the aim of a new start-up founded by researcher Evert van Nieuwenburg: QuantumPlayed. ‘Quantum is all around us and everyone should be able to learn about it.’

  • Wiskunde D-leerlingen van het VWO Bonhoeffer hebben gewerkt aan het programmeren van een quantumcomputer.

    25 leerlingen van het Bonhoeffer College uit Castricum hebben vijf weken lang tijdens de wiskunde D lessen gewerkt aan het programmeren van een quantumcomputer in Quantum Quest.

    Na het doorlopen van de vijf Quests - die werden opgestuurd en van feedback voorzien door studenten - zijn de 5- en 6-VWO leerlingen warm onthaald op het CWI om ook daadwerkelijk in de quantumcomputer van de UvA te gaan.

  • ‘Quantumtechnologie heeft in vijftien jaar ongelooflijke sprongen gemaakt’.

    Op 14 maart, de dag dat Albert Einstein geboren werd en Stephen Hawking overleed, vindt het eerste Gala van Quantum en Samenleving plaats. Om alvast in de stemming te komen, praten quantumfysici Julia Cramer en Ronald Hanson over de vorderingen aan het quantumfront aan de hand van vijf onderwerpen.

    Bron: Jim Jansen, New Scientist

  • UvA-IoP and QuSoft researcher Florian Schreck wins Physica Prize.

    The 2024 Physica Prize was awarded to UvA-IoP and QuSoft researcher Florian Schreck. Schreck receives the prize for his work on Bose Einstein condensates and their applications, such as building a coherent and continuous atom laser. The prize will be awarded during the annual FYSICA conference in Eindhoven on 12 April.

  • Several projects of QSC members won Quantum Delta NL award.

    “The second Quantum Technology call was a great success. The successful proposals are spread across various areas of expertise and of application of quantum technology, and they all feed into the three catalyst projects of Quantum Delta NL. Both the quality of the proposals and the success rate are very high. This is very motivating for the researchers and will significantly increase their involvement with QDNL.” says Servaas Kokkelmans.

  • VWO-scholier Jens Sas scoort hoge ogen bij webklas Quantum Quest.

    VWO-leerling Jens Sas heeft vanuit het vak informatica meegedaan met de Quantum Quest. Hij behaalde daar een bijzonder hoog resultaat. Een knappe prestatie voor Jens uit 5 VWO van het Tabor Oscar Romero in Hoorn ! 

    Bron: Rodi.nl/Hoorn


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