Quantum Software Consortium


  • In de Randstad ligt nu het fundament voor een quantuminternet: ‘De meest geavanceerde demonstraties tot nog toe’

    Het is de eerste stap richting een langgekoesterde droom: Nederlandse natuurkundigen hebben de eerste verbindingen gelegd voor een werkend quantuminternet in de Randstad. Ook in China en de VS zijn onderzoekers druk bezig met de aanleg van zo’n netwerk.

    Source: George van Hal, Volkskrant, 31 oktober 2024

  • Building the quantum internet for everyone

    The quantum internet, once built, will bring us unbreakable encryption in daily communication, secure financial transactions, and so much more. Next to ultimate cybersecurity, it is the potential for so much more in particular that motivates Stephanie Wehner (QuTech, TU Delft) to lead the effort in creating the first prototype of the quantum internet.

  • Two upcoming PhD defences at QuSoft in Amsterdam

    We cordially invite you to attend the PhD thesis defences of René Allerstorfer on October 28th and Chen Yanlin on November 21st, 2024 in the Agnietenkapel, University of Amsterdam. 


  • QuSoft Welcomes Matthias Christandl as 2024 Turing Chair

    QuSoft is delighted to announce that Professor Matthias Christandl has been appointed as the 2024 Turing Chair. A leading researcher in quantum information theory, Professor Christandl is visiting Amsterdam at various intervals between October 2024 and early 2025. His appointment as Turing Chair promises to foster a diverse range of academic activities, discussions, and collaborations, enriching the QuSoft and Amsterdam scientific communities.


  • Quantuuuuhhm Podcast: Waarom niemand quantum begrijpt, ook de quantum-expert niet.

    Wetenschapsjournalist Adriaan ter Braack en presentator Sander Denneman nemen de luisteraar mee op toegankelijke reis door Quantumland. Ze worden daarbij bij de les gehouden door quantum-expert Aletta Meinsma. Gemaakt door de Universiteit van Nederland i.s.m. Quantum Delta NL.

  • QuTech: Spin qubits go trampolining.

    Researchers at QuTech developed somersaulting spin qubits for universal quantum logic. This achievement may enable efficient control of large semiconductor qubit arrays. The research group published their demonstration of hopping spins in Nature Communications and their work on somersaulting spins in Science.

    Source: QuTech

  • Three quantum-safe cryptography methods standardised for global use.

    Three quantum-safe cryptography methods have been standardised for worldwide use since this week. Léo Ducas co-designed the two primary PQC methods selected for this standardisation. Ducas is part of the Cryptology group at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and is also professor of Mathematical cryptology at Leiden University.

    Source: CWI and Leiden University, Mathematical Institute

  • Final design QuTech building approved.

    In the coming years, TU Delft will invest in the renewal and improvement of the TU Delft Campus. One of the developments in this initiative is the new building for QuTech, the mission-driven quantum institute of TU Delft and TNO. On May 14, 2024, the final design was officially approved. This new building contributes to TU Delft’s ambition to have a CO2-neutral, circular, and climate-adaptive campus by 2030. The new building is expected to be operational by 2028.

  • NWO Veni Grant for Tim Coopmans: Sherlock Holmes meets quantum noise.

    The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded an NWO Veni grant to Tim Coopmans. The grant (320 thousand euros for a three-year program) will allow him to search for promising methods for correcting errors in quantum computations. Currently Coopmans is employed by Leiden University and will start at EWI/QuTech (TU Delft) per 1 October as assistant professor.

  • Op het zomerkamp in Heino vindt niemand het vreemd als je houdt van ‘gewoon ontspannen wiskunde doen’.

    Vakantiekamp Wiskunde is niet populair onder scholieren. Maar wel bij de deelnemers aan de wiskundekampen in Heino. Ze buigen zich over mathematische problemen en doen een workshop Parabool borduren of Creatief met statistiek. „Mijn moeder was van: jij hebt geen vrienden, ga maar naar wiskundekamp.”

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